Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Buraka Som Sistema

Here is a group I find interesting. It is a Portuguese Techno-Kuduro fusion group called Buraka Som Sistema. I find this group interesting for our current discussions about Samba because Kuduro is an African rooted genre, which may have also led to the development of Samba. Started listening to them after hearing one of their songs in a FIFA video game. Check it out and give it a listen or 7.

Here are three songs by the group (last song has explicit lyrics):


  1. I've never heard of Buraka Som Sistema but after watching these videos I love it! It sounds like a fusion of techno and reggaeton (spanish reggae for those who don't listen to it). I listen to both styles of music and love it, so this music is a great mix of both. I'm into unique beats and styles of music and even though I can't understand what they are saying the beat hooks me in. I also listen to M.I.A (the woman in the second video) and love her style of music. Thanks for putting up these videos, i find them really interesting and I think I just might download the music to my ipod!

  2. Jude the different examples that you have posted are extremely interesting and I agree with Tiana the beat is extremely addicting. While watching the videos the dance moves are quite interesting also. Would you say this would be dominating the popular charts here in america if it were made here? I feel as though it dominates the charts.
