Friday, September 16, 2011

Jotta A.

Over the past few weeks, a lot of buzz has been building on the internet about "child singing sensation" Jotta A. He just so happens to be a 12-year-old Brazilian gospel singer, so I thought this would be an appropriate to post given Professor Burdick's visit to class on Thursday.

Jotta A. appeared on the the Raul Gil Show's Jovens Talentos Kids, which seems similar to an America's Got Talent-type program. In this performance of "Oh Happy Day," you can definitely see the American influences Professor Burdick was talking about that often influence gospel music in Brazil. Jotta performs the song in English and even throws in some dance moves. There are also no Brazilian instruments used in this rendition of the song--just piano, drums and electric guitar.

1 comment:

  1. This is a crystal clear version of Professor Burdick's "Black Gospel" music. While listening to the way that Jotta A. performs this piece it really doesn't seem as though he is from Brazil but this would be the influence from outside countries and it was an extremely entertaining performance. Hopefully there will be much more to hear from this young musician in the future.
